Nadia Makes “Some” Art

Corporate millennial having a blast

Posts by: Nadia

Inktober 2019

Post originally written in 2019. So, Inktober 2019 is over! TL;DR: I drew every day of October, I managed! I am inspired and plan to draw more! Scroll to the very end to see all 31 pieces. Inktober was invented by Jake Read more…

In memory of my cat

Drawn in the loving memory of my kitty, who was part of my life for 17 years. Thank you Beta, for being the best kitty on planet! Through art we can make everything last forever and keep being alive.

New Mrs.Prins

This is it! I married my best friend, my soulmate, my Prince. This illustration represents the Disney-like moment from our #wesselnadiawedding Our magical day  was filled with warmest emotions. We had guests who travelled from UK, Germany, Sweden, Cambodia, Belarus, Read more…

Inktober 2018

Inktober is a yearly art challenge that happens in October. More can be found at the official website: Idea is as simple as that: there is a list of 31 prompts, and you have to create a piece every day Read more…