Nadia Makes “Some” Art

Corporate millennial having a blast


Books to read in 2024!

Watch me draw and talk about books I read in 2024! Disappointments on the Shelf The Emily Henry Saga Starting off with books that let me dow. Emily Henry – I am sorry! Despite the anticipation, each book, including “Happy Read more…

Atlas of AI

As Europe is expecting a new law on artificial intelligence (AI), and many other countries are also considering similar laws, with Canada hitting the news most recently, I finished reading a book about AI that came to me highly recommended. Read more…

Privacy is Power

Recently I finished a book by Carissa Véliz “Privacy is Power”. It is a great read to get better understanding on the data-driven world we live in and challenges we face. The book provides good food for thought and starts a conversation. 📚 Some thoughts I liked