Would 20-year-old me be proud of me now?
People often say: “Twenty year old me would be so proud of 30-year old me.” But really, would it be?
Would twenty year old me genuinely proud of me now?
I mean I am not a millionaire – duh.
I do not have 4 kids. 4 kids? at 30? really?
I am not that certain weight that 20 year old me wanted me to be – which now I know I physically can achieve only if I cut off my leg.
I don’t live in New York.
and, alas, I never made it to 30 under 30.
But I lived.
I lost myself, and then I found myself again. I let others decide, and slowly learned how to make my own choices. I forgot the dreams I had, and let the noises, the hustle, the social media silence them.
I found my dreams. I threw some dreams away, because they no longer served me. I kept dreams that mattered, and created new ones.
20 year old me, looking at me, for sure would judge.
But I learned not to care about judgement of others.
20 year old me, I’m sorry. But I guess… I guess I am fine.
by Nadia P., July 2023