Hello 2023! 2022 in review
22 January may be late for a year in review? But my birthday is soon, start of year festivities ended… so that is my excuse for having a year in review blog!
I created “some” art
I did not manage to create as much as I wanted, and actually after I have not drawn since October…. I started a new job this year, and also getting back to life after two years of Covid was pretty tiring. I think these are two main reasons when I did not create much art this year; or did not follow many studies.
I still drew a lot, had a lot of ideas – I will post some of my art and sketches in the gallery!
Finished inktober
I am happy I managed to create daily art during inktober! Here is my blog about it (Link)
I posted my first YouTube videos!
I am happy to have posted my first three YouTube videos! Link here
I still have not fully decided what type of content can I post: that is a but overwhelming and I am not sure I liked the videos I had uploaded. But I hope to make more videos – I really like the process even though the end result is a bit underwhelming XD
I filled a sketchbook – quite a lot 🙂
I used to draw daily in my sketchbook. – drawing a small sketch about today/yesterday. I started during my summer holiday to Portugal and kept going till around November. I hope to pick it up again!

I enjoyed some artists and their tutorials!
I really liked Patreon of Loish and her tutorials. Some inspirations were Kwarateen and Gretel Lusky 🙂
“Three Point Perspective” was my most favorite podcast this year.
I explored the AI art and tried to get to the core of it.
It was fun to play around with AI generated art and try to understand how it works! I even managed to make two YouTube videos out of it 😀
Was it a good year of art?
I think it was not the best year for art – but good I managed to do at least something. I think it was a good year of gathering energy and being ready to launch 2023!
do I have any goals for 2023?
That for sure! But sounds like a topic for a new post 🙂
My 2023 art gallery